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Home remedies for Diarrhea

Colorfully decorated sweet meats, heavy snacks, bubbling overflowing glasses of ‘desi’ soft drinks are gustily enjoyed by people, especially children during festivals. But what of the aftermath – those bouts of an upset tummy, acidity, indigestion, diarrhea etc.? A few home remedies recommended by grandma and naturopaths come in handy when such occasional bouts of ailments strike.

Home remedies for diarrhea

* Drink lime juice with a little salt. Do not dilute.

* Ginger juice with a pinch of salt is also recommended.

* Fresh pomegranate juice is also helpful. Take a large sized pomegranate and extract the juice. Half a cup of this juice taken 3 or 4 times a day will provide complete relief. (Note: Rind should not be separated from the fruit while processing).

* Sherbath (sweet drink) prepared from the pulp of bael fruit should be taken thrice a day for 3-4 days. This is believed to be an excellent remedy for chronic diarrhea also.

* Slightly fry the outer peel of amla (gooseberry) and grind with a little water. Make the patient to lie down and let this paste be applied around the navel. Pour a little ginger juice in it. This is believed to cure even acute diarrhea.

* Dried fruits of amla (gooseberry) are useful in chronic diarrhea.

* Goat’s milk should be boiled with equal quantities of water and should be administered in dosages of 20-50 ml.

*Prepare a cup of strong tea and flavor it with a pinch of powdered cardamom. Take this tea twice a day for 2-3 days.

* For diarrhea in children: Mix the scrapings of an apple with milk. Mash it thoroughly and give it to the affected child; thrice a day will be effective.


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    The viruses and bacteria that can cause diarrhea are highly contagious and can spread easily from person to person. The viruses that cause diarrhea are often found in the stool or vomit of infected people. Transmission can occur in one of several ways, such as:
    Eating foods or drinking liquids that are contaminated with a diarrhea virus or bacteria Having direct contact with another person who is infected and showing symptoms (for example, when caring for someone with the illness, or sharing food or eating utensils with someone who is ill) Touching surfaces or objects contaminated with a diarrhea virus and putting your hands in your mouth.People can spread diarrhea both before and after they become sick with it. They can sometimes pass a virus that causes diarrhea to other members of the family and to close contacts.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Although water is extremely important in preventing dehydration, it does not contain electrolytes. Good choices to help maintain electrolyte levels include broth or soups (which contain sodium) and certain fruit juices, soft fruits, or vegetables (which contain potassium).

  3. Prithvi3:20 PM

    Carrot soup is another effective home remedy for diarrhea. It supplies water to combat dehydration; replenishes sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium; supplies pectin; and coats the intestine to allay inflammation. It also checks the growth of harmful intestinal bacteria and prevents vomiting. Half a kilogram of carrots may be cooked in 150 ml of water until they become soft. The pulp should be strained and enough boiled water added to it to make a liter. Three-quarters of a tablespoon of salt may be added. This soup should be given in small amounts to the patient every half an hour

  4. Sheetal3:37 PM

    Mango seeds are valuable in diarrhea. The seeds should be collected during the mango season, dried in the shade and powdered, and kept stored for use as a medicine when required. A dose of about one and a half to two grams with or without honey, should be administered twice daily

  5. Jagadish9:59 AM

    blanch mango leaves and drink to help with the diarrhea.
    drink wormwood tea to treat stomach trouble.

  6. Vithal10:25 AM

    Grind half an apple and drink the juice, a little every time. Eat: Rice, toasted bread with no spread, bananas and drink a lot of water. Squeeze one lemon; add 1 spoon of milk and drink. Blanch guava leaves and drink to help with the diarrhea. Make tea out of coriander leaves.

  7. Yogini5:48 PM

    A strong cup of unsweetened black tea is effective in stopping diarrhea Another quick remedy is to peel apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for approx. 20 minutes until they turn brown in color, and then eat them.

  8. A strong cup of unsweetened black tea is effective in stopping diarrhea .Another quick remedy is to peel apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for approx. 20 minutes until they turn brown in colour, and then eat them.

  9. unknown8:09 AM

    Ginger ale is good for nausea. Flat lemonade is good for diarrhea.

  10. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Use loperamide

  11. Anonymous9:21 AM

    You should use scopolamine

  12. Christina8:55 AM

    Take some probiotics! You can buy Actimel, Yakhult or even capsules from the chemists.

    It won't go away completely until you've stopped the antibiotics, but the probiotics will help your gut recover sooner.

  13. grate an apple and leave it out uncovered til it goes brown - then eat it. The brown is the oxidation and that forms and it is this that sorts out the diarrhoea. It is gentle on the stomach too.
    Drink water and if its really severe you will need to replace salt too - boiled rice cooked with salt is ideal.

    Then take some top quality pro biotics when you have finished your course of anti-biotics.

  14. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Drink lots of boiled (safe) water to avoid being dehydrated,
    Boiled rice water: just boil like e.g. 1 cup of rice in 2 liters of clean water and drink the water warm or cold. If you do not like the taste, just add some pure melted bitter chocolat to it. No milk chocolat as this contains milk, butter and sugar which are foods to be avoided when having a diarrhea.
    Eat only :
    raw grated carots, UNripe bananas,
    peeled-seeded and sliced oxydated appels (left out to turn a darker colour for about 10 to 15 minutes),
    plain ham, plain homemade appel sauce without sugar,
    DO NOT eat or drink any kind of fatty/greasy foods such as dairy products, oils, butter and no flour, no sugar as some of these foods ferment in the digestive system.
    If you stick seriously to this diet, you should be OK after 1 or 2 days. You can then eat some low fat/skimmed yoghourt to "feed" your intestinal flora as it is called.
    Maybe you could also check with your doctor to see if there are some specific foods you should eat while taking this specific antibiotic to avoid this situation.
    I am sure this diet also works wonders when having diarrhea due to taking antibiotics.
    I wish you all the best and quick results.

  15. Padma9:30 AM

    Add 1 tsp of methi seeds to yoghurt and take this to cure diarria and dysentery.

  16. Can diarrhea cause dehydration.?

  17. Gourish8:41 AM

    Yes it can. Make sure that you are drinking lots of water. Even if it comes out one end or the other you will still get the benefit try something like (as crazy as it sounds) pedialite as this will help keep a balance of sugar and electrolytes if its good enough for kids its good enough for us. Also being dehydrated can cause headache and nausea but so can a stomach bug. Just take it easy for awhile. Most Doctors do not recommend taking anything to stop diarrhea as it can cause whatever bacteria is there not to be passed and so it can come back. Hope this helps and that you feel better soon.

  18. Ateendra9:40 AM

    The easiest cure for chronic diarrhea, constipation, or both is to eat plenty of high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and beans.

  19. Shilpa9:40 AM

    How does drinking water help when you have diarrhea?

  20. Because diarrhea causes dehydration very quickly, you have to keep your fluid intake up.

  21. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Make sure you do not become dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids. The type of drink is not as important as simply replenishing lost water. But avoid milk. It will make diarrhea worse. Diet soft drinks do not provide the calories that dehydrated people

  22. Suhani10:20 AM

    Diarrhea is caused by myriad factors: viruses, bacterial infections, food intolerance, parasites, medications and bowel disorders.

  23. Harini10:04 AM

    The red outer covering of the Tamarind seed is an effective remedy against diarrhea and dysentery. About 10 grains of powder of the seeds with an equal quantity of cumin seeds and sugar is given 2-3 times daily.

  24. Kapila9:49 AM

    Add 1 tsp of methi seeds to yogurt and take this to cure diarrhea and dysentery.

  25. Food Expert3:32 PM

    Drink lots of boiled water to avoid being dehydrated,Boiled rice water: just boil like e.g. 1 cup of rice in 2 liters of clean water and drink the water warm or cold. No milk , butter and sugar which are foods to be avoided when having a diarrhea.
    Eat only :
    raw grated carrots, Unripe bananas,
    peeled-seeded and sliced oxygenated apples (left out to turn a darker color for about 10 to 15 minutes),
    plain ham, plain homemade apple sauce without sugar,
    DO NOT eat or drink any kind of fatty/greasy foods such as dairy products, oils, butter and no flour, no sugar as some of these foods ferment in the digestive system.
    If you stick seriously to this diet, you should be OK after 1 or 2 days. You can then eat some low fat/skimmed yogurt to "feed" your intestinal flora as it is called.

  26. Shalini3:34 PM

    Yogurt with live culture in will revive your natural bowel friendly bacteria. It will help with gas management as well.

  27. Umadevi3:40 PM

    You need plenty of fluids to replace what you are losing through the diarrhea.
    Ice tea is fine and will also help againt the diarrhea.
    Rice water. Boil the rice and drink the water. You can eat the rice as well, but the quantity of rice you are going to feel like eating is limited, while the rice water can be drunk in larger quantities and has the same effect.

  28. Kedar9:00 AM

    A dosage Poppy seeds paste cures diarrhea.

  29. Manoj8:44 AM

    A teaspoonful of fresh drumstick-leaf juice mixed with honey and a glass of tender coconut water taken 2-3 times a day is a wonderful remedy for digestive disorders like diarrhea, dysentary

  30. Vatsala8:55 AM

    1 to 5 teaspoons of corn starch in half a glass of milk with a touch of vanilla for flavour & 1 tsp of sugar you can take 3 to 5 times per day

  31. Vijeta9:03 AM

    Drinking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in a large glass of water three to five times a day will kill off the pathogens causing the diarrhea. For prevention in case there is a stomach virus going around, take 1-2 tablespoons of juice before meals.

  32. Emily4:41 PM

    Salabhasan (Locust pose) - activates kidneys, liver, pancreas, helps in diarrhea, acidity and gastrointestinal disorders.

  33. Arudati9:02 AM

    Plenty of water, fluids, make sure that you rest and if you eat, eat lightly with light snacks and fluids.

  34. Urmila10:21 AM

    Mix sugar and salt and water that is what your body needs that usually helps

  35. Tanuja2:56 PM

    The red outer covering of the seed of tamarind is an effective remedy against diarrhea and dysentery.

  36. Smitha11:20 AM

    Diarrhea can be treated with some mint. You can make a nice cup of mint tea and enjoy that or you can mix a teaspoon of fresh mint and a teaspoon of lime and honey together and drink it three times a day.

  37. Yashodha11:21 AM

    Rice is a good food to eat when you have diarrhea. White rice is best but you can also use brown rice. Eat a nice bowl of rice. You can use rice pudding or rice milk. Rice pudding with cornstarch works real well since pudding will also help relieve diarrhea.

  38. Reshma11:22 AM

    Get a big glass and fill it with water. Then put a quarter of a teaspoon of corn starch into the water and mix it well. Drink up the whole glass of corn starch and water.

  39. Shanta11:57 AM

    Eat a meal of white rice and some cheese (mixed in or just on the side)

  40. Jayanti2:51 PM

    Drink plenty of fluids. There is a reason for this: to flush out whatever is making you sick. Use the restroom as often as possible to remove whatever is making you sick.

  41. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Most diarrhea is caused when the stomach has too much gastric acid in it that starts to go through the intestines which burns them and the body tries to get rid of that pain so out it comes as diarrhea. Hard to duplicate that problem for you have to have tight muscles in your back to press onto the nerves going to the stomach to make it release the extra gastric acid.


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